I'm baaack...

10:18 pm

Hello my dear readers!

I have had many attempts to write to you over the past few weeks, here they are for your reading pleasure, with a helpful guide to different attempts:

The beginning of attempt number 2 

Dear Reader,

I attempted to write to you last week, here is said attempt:

Attempt number 1

So it is my final week in Edinburgh (at least for a long long time) and I am trying dearly to pack up this flat. Who knew such a tiny flat could contain so much stuff!

Progress is being made, although I confess it is quite tough when you have 2 chronic illnesses on the go. 

The main feeling of today is frustration.'

Back to attempt number 2

Yep, 4 sentences was all I could manage last week, as I was in full on packing mode! If I ever see bubble wrap again, I think I

Today I write to you oddly enough from Edinburgh, although I literally moved away from the city two short days ago!'

End of all previous attempts... Boy that was a bit convoluted...

That last part was from my brother's couch during a bad flare up!

So, it has been a lot longer than I ever intended to be, but no matter, I have returned!

It is at this point I would usually give up, on this whole blogging thing, because I didn't keep the momentum going with my writing and so all of the self doubt and laziness would creep in. And then all of the excuses would pop into my head and fall carelessly from my lips, and that would be the end of that.

I guess what is different about this is that I have mentioned to a few people that I am doing this, and so they ask about it occasionally, and I feel a bit embarrassed that I have to tell them I have only done one post!

I also feel a bit directionless, and so I have hope that this will keep me anchored whilst I figure out my 'next move'. I put that phrase in inverted commas because I think it sounds a bit lame. (It actually took me several tries to come up with the word lame, as I was looking for a more reasonable alternative to 'douche-y'.) 

Anyway, I digress!

I'm back and I have some great news -we are getting the keys to our new house on the 11th of August! A house to decorate and make all our own, I can't wait! Whilst we are supremely grateful to my parents for letting us stay with them whilst we get everything sorted, it will be great to have our own house again! There will be many posts about our new house and the trials and tribulations of owning and decorating one, I'm sure!

I'm going to end it here for now, and leave you with a cute picture of Watson snuggling me!

Until next time,
The Little Spoonie  ❤

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